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We review theorizations of gendered anti-Blackness and the scholarship on the politics of belonging. Bridging together this literature, we propose gendered anti-Black non-belonging as an alternative framework for addressing African descendant women's expressions and realities of belonging in the United States and Portugal. We select these two cases for their remarkably distinct—yet related—racial ideologies of the state. In the United States, colorblindness is the main ideology of the state whereas in Portugal anti-racial ideology pervades. As we will highlight, the experiences of belonging among African descendant women in the United States and Portugal challenge the veracity of these racial ideologies which work to render gendered anti-Black oppression invisible. In both cases, anti-Black non-belonging means that African descendant women are vulnerable to gendered state violence and racist practices impacting their individual and group belonging; as a result, the right for Black bodies to be in a particular place and space is constantly contested, and, often, violently regulated and disciplined. Yet, anti-Black belonging is both a matter of oppression and resistance. African-descendant women draw from their everyday knowledge of domination to employ resistance. In doing so, as we will argue, they rewrite the national narrative of race, gender and belonging in Portugal and the United States.  相似文献   
For many environmental processes, recent studies have shown that the dependence strength is decreasing when quantile levels increase. This implies that the popular max‐stable models are inadequate to capture the rate of joint tail decay, and to estimate joint extremal probabilities beyond observed levels. We here develop a more flexible modeling framework based on the class of max‐infinitely divisible processes, which extend max‐stable processes while retaining dependence properties that are natural for maxima. We propose two parametric constructions for max‐infinitely divisible models, which relax the max‐stability property but remain close to some popular max‐stable models obtained as special cases. The first model considers maxima over a finite, random number of independent observations, while the second model generalizes the spectral representation of max‐stable processes. Inference is performed using a pairwise likelihood. We illustrate the benefits of our new modeling framework on Dutch wind gust maxima calculated over different time units. Results strongly suggest that our proposed models outperform other natural models, such as the Student‐t copula process and its max‐stable limit, even for large block sizes.  相似文献   
随着电子商务的蓬勃发展,“通知—删除”规则在有效制止电子商务专利侵权中具有重要作用。我国在21世纪初引进“通知—删除”规则,逐步构建了适用于电子商务领域专利侵权的“通知—删除”规则。《民法典》正式施行以来,“通知—删除”规则在适用于电子商务专利侵权中暴露出诸多问题:存在规则滥用隐患,权利人与商家利益失衡,通知与反通知的审核标准难以一致,因错误通知造成商家损失难以恢复,等等。解决好这些问题,需从专利侵权的特殊性出发,贴合《民法典》第1195条的规定,遵循“通知—删除”规则的立法目的进行解释适用;应重视和探索电子商务平台的自治能力,推动“通知—删除”规则在电子商务专利侵权中的解释适用。  相似文献   
在"一带一路"倡议下,云南省近年来与南亚、东南亚国家之间的教育合作不断加强,取得了可喜的成绩。基于云南省与南亚、东南亚国家的中外合作办学数据,考察云南省中外合作办学现状,发现云南省中外合作办学还存在留学生生源面窄且学历层次低、中外合作办学规模小且办学层次不高、联合科学研究产出能力较弱等问题。因此,应从国家层面、当地政府层面、大学层面分别采取相应措施,大力促进大学国际化发展,完善大学国际化的体制机制与法律监管,搭建更多国际合作平台。当地政府应加强大学国际化的统筹规划、综合协调和宏观管理,省域大学应加大国际化保障条件的建设力度。  相似文献   
政府与市场的关系问题是经济法规制的基于问题,如何正确看待政府与市场在经济生态系统内各自的功能及作用,是经济法规制的核心问题。因为这样的认识直接导致了经济立法的体系构建与内容规则。经济法规制是国家实施经济治理与尊重市场调节的基本依据,也是施行经济法治与社会治理的根本前提。所以,从社会治理的背景下来讨论经济法规制的社会经济发展的制度条件及制度生成条件,有利于真正建立和完善经济法规制的体系和内容,从而使得经济法治生态化地融入社会治理的结构体系内,达到优化社会制度以促进经济发展的目的。  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1820-1829
Ethical analysis is often needed in the preparation of policy decisions on risk. A three‐step method is proposed for performing an ethical risk analysis (eRA). In the first step, the people concerned are identified and categorized in terms of the distinct but compatible roles of being risk‐exposed, a beneficiary, or a decisionmaker. In the second step, a more detailed classification of roles and role combinations is performed, and ethically problematic role combinations are identified. In the third step, further ethical deliberation takes place, with an emphasis on individual risk‐benefit weighing, distributional analysis, rights analysis, and power analysis. Ethical issues pertaining to subsidiary risk roles, such as those of experts and journalists, are also treated in this phase. An eRA should supplement, not replace, a traditional risk analysis that puts emphasis on the probabilities and severities of undesirable events but does not cover ethical issues such as agency, interpersonal relationships, and justice.  相似文献   
为提高土木工程专业《结构实验与方法》研究生课程的教学质量,培养研究生的应用与创新研究能力,基于《结构实验与方法》研究生课程的具体教学实践,分析了建设《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库的必要性,探讨了《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库建设的程序与目标,提出了建设《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库的基本方法。  相似文献   
针对产需不确定下单一供应商、制造商和风险规避的零售商组成的三级供应链系统,建立了分散和集中情况下的最优决策模型。通过设计风险共担和GL组合契约实现了三级供应链的协调。讨论了风险规避零售商的最优订购决策,分析了风险规避对供应链期望效益的影响。比较了风险规避和风险中性两种情况下零售商的最优决策。探讨了组合契约的协调问题及契约参数之间的关系。研究表明供应链的期望利润随着产需不确定的增加而减少,风险规避下零售商的期望利润低于风险中性时的期望利润,零售商的期望利润随着风险规避程度的加大而减少,零售商最优订购量随风险规避程度的增加而变化。最后数值算例验证了模型和契约协调的有效性。  相似文献   
在对京津冀1981年以来节能减排政策措施进行量化处理的基础上,建立针对节能减排政策措施有效性的计量模型,分析了京津冀节能减排政策措施的演变状况,并探究京津冀节能减排政策措施对其节能减排效果影响的差异性.研究结果表明:京津冀节能减排政策颁布经历了早期各年份相对零散、缺乏连续性到新世纪以来政策颁布数量显著增多、政策总体力度逐渐增大的过程,但三地政策总效力的增加主要是由于节能减排政策颁布数量增多引起的;京津冀三地在政策的制定过程中更多的是趋于实现短期目标,政策整体缺乏系统性和权威性;人事措施、行政措施、引导措施、财税措施、金融措施等不同节能减排政策措施对京津冀节能和减排的有效性具有明显的差异;三地对不同政策措施的使用方式、使用程度方面存在明显的差异,这对京津冀协同推进节能减排的治理工作提出挑战.论文还从京津冀完善单一节能减排政策措施的使用、加强市场手段的应用及京津冀区域协同治理等方面提出了相应政策建议.  相似文献   
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